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What are the additions and alternatives to HRT?

Health & Wellbeing
4.8 out of 5 Average rating

This company produces very interesting and informative talks and classes.

, reviewed on 02 Sep 2024

Rest less events cast the net wide, amazing value for money

, reviewed on 07 Jan 2025

Rest Less Events is just fantastic, it opens up another world for people...

, reviewed on 21 Feb 2025
  • DURATION 60 mins
  • HOW TO ATTEND Attendance is live via Zoom
4.8 out of 5 Average rating

This company produces very interesting and informative talks and classes.

, reviewed on 02 Sep 2024

Rest less events cast the net wide, amazing value for money

, reviewed on 07 Jan 2025

Rest Less Events is just fantastic, it opens up another world for people...

, reviewed on 21 Feb 2025

Event Description

This is a question that we’re asked time and time again. Some women want something to bolster their regular HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Some would like to explore natural options. For others, there are various medical reasons that may make HRT riskier for them, or they may not tolerate it as well.

The good news is that there are lots of great alternative options which can support us with doing our menopause our way - but it can be confusing trying to work out what works and what’s worth spending money on.

So this is exactly what we’ll be discussing in this brilliant, live and free event with our expert panel on Tuesday, November 19 7.30 pm GMT.

Melinda McDougall, a specialist women's health practitioner and registered Medical Herbalist who spoke at this year's British Menopause Society conference, will be helping us navigate the often confusing world of herbal treatments and supplements, while My Menopause Centre Co-Founder Dr Clare Spencer will be talking about prescribable HRT alternatives that you can get from your GP. 

As with all our panel discussions, we’ll only be talking about alternatives with robust, scientific back-up – nothing faddy here!

There will also be time for your questions.

Melinda McDougall, Medical Herbalist, MSc, MNIMH

Melinda McDougall – registered Medical Herbalist. Melinda specialises in natural menopause support and runs a busy online clinic seeing patients across the UK and beyond. She has analysed hundreds of research papers on herbal medicine and menopause to find out what really works and uses that knowledge to help women find natural solutions to their health problems. She speaks regularly about a holistic approach to menopause and positive ageing on podcasts, webinars, in-person events and conferences, including the British Menopause Society’s annual conference in 2024. She lives and works in London and is the former Vice President of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, which was established in 1864. Download her free guide to herbal medicine and menopause at

  • Duration: 60 mins
  • Online Zoom event: Join from your computer, phone or tablet (no replay available)

Meet the Host, Helen Normoyle

Helen co-founded My Menopause Centre with her good friend, Dr Clare Spencer. She is on a mission to raise awareness of menopause and help empower women with the knowledge they need to embrace this new chapter and thrive. Helen is particularly passionate about supporting women in the workplace and helping employers understand the benefits of having a positive menopause policy. Helen has held Chief Marketing Officer roles in a range of sectors with Boots, the BBC, DFS and Countrywide. She has also worked in broadcast and telecoms regulation at Ofcom and in the mobile technology sector with Motorola.

Preparing for the Event

For the best experience, you will need to have Zoom downloaded onto your computer. Please ensure you're connected to broadband/wifi rather than using your mobile phone connection (3G/4G).

We also recommend that pets are either calmly sitting on your lap or in another room, and any refreshments you may require are within your reach!

More Information

What if I can’t make the event?

If a recording’s available for the event, you can still register for it and we will send you an email with a link to a recording shortly after it ends.

Will my camera be on and will I be visible to the other people?

Your camera and microphone does not need to be on for you to enjoy the event. The choice about whether to do this is completely yours.

How do I watch the live event?

Rest Less events are hosted on Zoom, a computer application that allows you to attend online events just by clicking a link. For detailed instructions, please go to our "FAQ" page, which you can find a link to in the nav bar at the top of the page.

How do I sign-up for and access the recording? (Recorded events only)

Book the event as normal (as if you are attending live). After the event ends you will automatically receive a post-event email with a link to the recording, as long as the event was recorded. You do not need to do anything else and there is no separate booking process for recordings only. Please note it can take up to 24 hours for Zoom to process recordings.
