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Home Event Calendar Photography: Creativity and Technique

Photography: Creativity and Technique

Arts & Crafts Science & Nature
4.9 out of 5 From 109 reviews

Being able to pick and choose activities and either attend at the specified time or watch a recording later suits me perfectly.

, reviewed on 10 Oct 2022

Entertaining and instructive presentations by knowledgeable speakers.

, reviewed on 18 Nov 2022
  • DURATION 60 mins x 4
  • HOW TO ATTEND Attendance is live via Zoom
4.9 out of 5 From 109 reviews

Being able to pick and choose activities and either attend at the specified time or watch a recording later suits me perfectly.

, reviewed on 10 Oct 2022

Entertaining and instructive presentations by knowledgeable speakers.

, reviewed on 18 Nov 2022

Event Description

A series of presentations designed to stimulate creativity in photography and to demonstrate subjects and techniques that will deliver striking and memorable images. Nowadays we all carry a camera with us, but too often the pictures stay locked in our smartphone. These sessions will show how to produce photographs you will be proud to share and display.

What makes a good photograph? (7th October)

An illustrated review of the so called ‘rules’ of composition. When they are helpful and when to ignore them. How to achieve success in photography and present photographs that have real impact. How to escape subjectivity in assessing your own photographs and to see them as they will be experienced by others.

Close-up photography (14th October)

We will explore various techniques and equipment, including smartphone cameras, for close-up and macro photography. This session also questions which subjects are most effective for close-up pictures.

New approaches to flower photography (21st October)

Flowers are the most photographed of all subjects. This is not surprising since they are inherently beautiful and present an extraordinary range of shapes and colours. However, it can be difficult to find ways to produce flower photographs that are genuinely personal, distinctive, and different. This session looks at unusual ways to photograph this most versatile of all subjects, including techniques for pressed flowers, dried flowers, and frozen flowers.

Creative photography (28th October)

As adults we may feel we have lost the creative energy we had as children. Creativity slips away as we introduce rules, structure, and language into our lives. This can be described as the brain’s logical left hemisphere taking charge and crowding out the more creative right side of the brain. This session looks at ways to reawaken our creative confidence. Subjects and techniques are described that take us out of our comfort zone to produce striking, unusual, and artistic photographs.

Join our Mirthy Photographers' Group on Facebook by clicking here- a group for the shutter-happy lens-lovers of Mirthy!

Whether you are a beginner to photography or a bit of an expert, all are welcome!

  • Duration: 60 mins x 4
  • Online Zoom event: Join from your computer, phone or tablet (no replay available)
John Humphrey.jpg

Meet the Host, John

John is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society. He specialises in art and macro photography. John presents RPS workshops on Close-up Photography, Creative Art Photography, and Photography as an aid to Mental Wellbeing. His work has been in many exhibitions including the international exhibitions of the RPS and the London Salon. His books ‘Close-up and Macro Photography’ and ‘Creative and Experimental Photography’ are published by the Crowood Press.

John believes that good photographs are personal with a clear contribution from the photographer, rather than just being a record of a time or place. Examples of John’s work can be viewed on his website

Preparing for the Event

For the best experience, you will need to have Zoom downloaded onto your computer. Please ensure you're connected to broadband/wifi rather than using your mobile phone connection (3G/4G).

We also recommend that pets are either calmly sitting on your lap or in another room, and any refreshments you may require are within your reach!

More Information

What if I can’t make the event?

If a recording’s available for the event, you can still register for it and we will send you an email with a link to a recording shortly after it ends.

Will my camera be on and will I be visible to the other people?

Your camera and microphone does not need to be on for you to enjoy the event. The choice about whether to do this is completely yours.

How do I watch the live event?

Rest Less events are hosted on Zoom, a computer application that allows you to attend online events just by clicking a link. For detailed instructions, please go to our "FAQ" page, which you can find a link to in the nav bar at the top of the page.

How do I sign-up for and access the recording? (Recorded events only)

Book the event as normal (as if you are attending live). After the event ends you will automatically receive a post-event email with a link to the recording, as long as the event was recorded. You do not need to do anything else and there is no separate booking process for recordings only. Please note it can take up to 24 hours for Zoom to process recordings.


4.9 out of 5 From 109 reviews