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Home Event Calendar Osteoporosis and You: Q&A …

Osteoporosis and You: Q&A with the ROS Specialist Nurses

Health & Wellbeing
4.8 out of 5 Average rating

This company produces very interesting and informative talks and classes.

, reviewed on 02 Sep 2024

Rest less events cast the net wide, amazing value for money

, reviewed on 07 Jan 2025

Rest Less Events is just fantastic, it opens up another world for people...

, reviewed on 21 Feb 2025
  • DURATION 60 mins
  • HOW TO ATTEND Attendance is live via Zoom
4.8 out of 5 Average rating

This company produces very interesting and informative talks and classes.

, reviewed on 02 Sep 2024

Rest less events cast the net wide, amazing value for money

, reviewed on 07 Jan 2025

Rest Less Events is just fantastic, it opens up another world for people...

, reviewed on 21 Feb 2025

Event Description

Half of women aged over 50 will break bones due to osteoporosis, and a fifth of men. Broken bones caused by the condition are one of the most serious threats to living well in later life. Left untreated, osteoporosis threatens our freedom, dignity, quality of life and independence.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. Osteoporosis is treatable and broken bones are preventable.

The Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) is committed to improving outcomes for the 3.5 million people in the UK who live with osteoporosis. One way they do this is via their Specialist Nurse Helpline which answers over 14,000 queries a year.

We’ve partnered with the ROS to bring you this exclusive event with their specialist nurses who will answer your queries and provide expert insight on living with osteoporosis and good bone health.

From living with fractures and understanding treatment, to nutrition and exercise – this is your chance to ask the experts about the topics that matter most to you.

In this interactive and informative session, our specialist nurses will:

  • Give an overview of osteoporosis – what is it and how does it happen?
  • Provide tips for keeping your bones healthy through lifestyle changes
  • And answer YOUR questions about living with osteoporosis and everything that comes along with it!

If you have had a diagnosis of osteoporosis, worried you may be at risk, or caring for a loved one with the condition then this session is for you

Secure your FREE place by simply registering now.

Click here to submit your question about osteoporosis or bone health in advance.

(Please note, we recommend that you keep your question anonymous and concise as it may be read aloud during the session. ROS nurses provide up-to-date information based on the latest medical research and can discuss specific situations to help people feel more informed, but they cannot give you direct advice. Please also read our disclaimer below.)

Meet the ROS Specialist Nurses

The ROS’ free Specialist Nurse Helpline is staffed by nurses with specialist knowledge of osteoporosis and bone health. The team is supported by a group of scientific and medical advisers, to ensure the information they give is accurate, independent and up-to-date.

In this session, we’ll be joined by nurses Julia Thomson, Kirsty Carne, Deborah Nelson and Niki Gonty.

  • Duration: 60 mins
  • Online Zoom event: Join from your computer, phone or tablet (no replay available)

Meet the Host, Royal Osteoporosis Society

The Royal Osteoporosis Society is the UK’s largest national charity dedicated to improving bone health and beating osteoporosis.


Please note, you will not get a personal reply sent to you. It is possible some similar questions may be grouped together, and we may not have time to reply to every question asked. The nurses provide up-to-date information based on the latest medical research to help you feel more informed, but they cannot give you direct advice. Information given by the nurses is not intended to replace the advice that your own doctor can provide. This session will also be recorded, and a link to the recording will be sent to registrants after the event. Any questions are gathered anonymously. Please see our Privacy Policy:

More Information

What if I can’t make the event?

If a recording’s available for the event, you can still register for it and we will send you an email with a link to a recording shortly after it ends.

Will my camera be on and will I be visible to the other people?

Your camera and microphone does not need to be on for you to enjoy the event. The choice about whether to do this is completely yours.

How do I watch the live event?

Rest Less events are hosted on Zoom, a computer application that allows you to attend online events just by clicking a link. For detailed instructions, please go to our "FAQ" page, which you can find a link to in the nav bar at the top of the page.

How do I sign-up for and access the recording? (Recorded events only)

Book the event as normal (as if you are attending live). After the event ends you will automatically receive a post-event email with a link to the recording, as long as the event was recorded. You do not need to do anything else and there is no separate booking process for recordings only. Please note it can take up to 24 hours for Zoom to process recordings.
